Everything at your disposal.
In the download area you will find brochures about our products and application areas, legal documents and other helpful data such as tender documents, software and price lists.
Company brochure
Indoor lighting
Outdoor lighting
Streetlight SL 11 iQ English
Streetlight SL 21 English
Streetlight SL 31 English
Streetlight SL 20 English
Tunnel lighting English
Tunnel lighting refurbishment English
Tunnel lighting TL 40 English
Streetlight SL 21 Suomi
Streetlight SL 31 Suomi
Streetlight SL 40 Suomi
Floodlight FL 11 Sport English
Floodlight FL 11 Sport Español
Floodlight FL 11 Industry English
Floodlight FL 20 Maxi Sport English
Floodlight FL 21 English
Connect Sports English
SIRIUS Sport English
SIRIUS Industry English
SiCompact English
Floodlight FL 20 Maxi Sport Français